The post below is a Developer Spotlight from Swift Package Index creators Dave Verwer and Sven A. Schmidt about their journey building the index into what it is today.
One of the most interesting aspects of SwiftUI, at least from an architectural perspective, is how it essentially treats views as data. After all, a SwiftUI view isn’t a direct representation of the pixels that are being rendered on the screen, but rather a description of how a given piece of UI should work, look, and behave.
Multi-column tables have long been a feature of macOS. SwiftUI added support for them in macOS 12.0. They came to iOS a year later in iOS 16. There are some caveats and sharp edges to be aware of if you’re thinking of using them.
현재 AppDelegate 파일만 있는 프로젝트에서 firebase dynamic link 를 수신 받으려고 하고 있습니다. testflight 를 통해 앱 열기를 했는데 다이나믹 링크를 수신 받지 못하더라고요... 찾아보니까 iOS 13 이상 SceneDelegate 에 추가하라는 말도 있던데... iOS 13 이상에서 수신하려면 꼭 SceneDelegate 에서 해야 하나요??