Apple은 지난 12월, 추가 가격 포인트와 스토어프론트별로 가격을 관리하는 새로운 도구 등 App Store가 출시된 이래 가장 포괄적으로 업그레이된 가격 책정 방식을 발표했습니다. 오늘부터 업그레이드된 기능과 새로운 가격을 유료 앱과 일회성 앱 내 구입을 포함한 모든 앱 및 앱 내 구입 유형에 사용할 수 있습니다.
two new open source Swift packages: swift-certificates and swift-asn1. Together, these libraries provide developers a faster and safer implementation of X.509 certificates, a critical technology that powers the security of TLS.
Hummingbird has a comprehensive documentation available online and a nice example repository containing various demo apps written using the Hummingbird Swift server framework.
Card-like designs are seen often in UIs. Usually, some view with a white background, rounded corners, and a dark shadow that makes the view look like a card on top of another view. Not too complicated to implement, but gives a nice look to different view components and separates parts of UI.
In Swift, to iterate a collection such as an array, there are two common ways to accomplish that. One is to use a for loop; the other is to use the forEach function.